Diné College Alumni Association Board
Diné Environmental Institute Research & Outreach (DEI)
Yá’át’ééh – Welcome Diné College Alumni! This page is currently under construction. We appreciate your patience. In the meantime, please fill out this survey . It will help us better serve you. Ahxe’hee!
Note: You may send all Alumni-related questions, comments and concerns to: Kuhyonre E. Nataani, Alumni Relations Specialist knataani@dinecollege.edu
The sustainability of DEI has been proven by the growth of university partnerships, research experiences, and internships for Diné students.
Superfund terminologies/definitions & Diné Glossary:
As a part of the Tronox clean-up activities, DEI developed a Diné Language Glossary on Superfund project terminologies. This Glossary will assist Diné interpreters and translators to better communicate with impacted Diné communities and promote community participation and input.
DEI Research Projects and Resources
- www.epa.gov/navajo-nation-uranium-cleanup/cove-area-mines
- www.epa.gov/navajo-nation-uranium-cleanup
- http://sric.org/nbcs/docs/NBCS_overview_063014.pdf
- https://superfund.arizona.edu/core/community-engagement/gold-king-mine-spill
- Dine’ College Book Chapter 2011 Dr. Jody Waugh
- Navajo Nation Stove Exchange Study